Sunday 6 February 2011

Tattoo's ♥

My post today is about Tattoo's , what I already have and what I plan on having in the future.I love my tattoo's and seeing other people's.Theres a lot of mixed views on tattoo's. In particular a lot of people believe that women shouldn't have tattoo's because they're not very feminine. I disagree with that completely and think the likes and Megan Fox and Angelina Jolie prove it :
I think they can look amazing if they are done tastefully. Both women are gorgeous women who love to show off their tattoo's and I think they look incredible especially in backless dresses that show their tattoo's off.
I have two tattoo's , for now anyway. Both of my tattoo's are on my wrist and have different stories behind when and why I got them. This is the first one:

I had this tattoo on a whim when I was 17 ( naughty I know ! ). This is on my right wrist.It happened purely by chance I was in town with someone else who was having a tattoo and just decided to have one and the guy didn't ask me for id. I knew I wanted stars so the guy drew this up and I loved it so I had it.  It doesn't have any sort of meaning so I'm not going to pretend it does , it's just pretty to be honest.
This was my second tattoo which is on my left wrist. I had this one done when I was legally old enough at 18. It was done in the same place as the first, but this wasn't on a whim. I thought about what I wanted for a long time. My initial thought was that I wanted my boyfriend of 3 years name but my head was saying no , its not a good idea but my heart was saying do it. In the end sense won , and I came up with the compromise of having Love. It gave me the chance to express how I felt without going over the top. But love is so versatile it has so many different meanings to some many different people. So it may be a hugely overused work it still has personal meaning to me.
At the moment I have got the tattoo bug again and have been longing for a tattoo on my foot. I am going to leave it a little bit longer until I stop wearing winter boots as I don't want my shoes to be constantly rubbing the tattoo while it's healing. I want the basic idea of the tattoo to be like Nicole Richie's:
But there are elements that I want to change such as positioning , size and design of the beads. I want to alter it and make it my own but the basic idea of rosary beads around the ankle and going down onto the foot is what I want.It is to represent my faith and I think is more personal than wearing a cross and means I will never be without it. I am sure about this tattoo and I will getting it as soon as it's ok to start wearing pumps and sandals without getting frostbite on my tootsie. The next tattoo I want is a little more vague , it's a quote from Marilyn Monroe, I know the words I want but I don't know where I want it , If I want anything else to go with the words or what style I want the words to be written(or inked) in. This is the quote:
I just love the quote , I love most Marilyn Monroe quotes not just because I love her but it all rings true to how I feel and think about things. This quote suits me down to the ground though and sometimes I feel like  I need to remember it more and not take things too seriously and just have fun.So I would love to have it tattooed somewhere , need to put more thought into it though.
Right finally I'm going to talk about the pain involved in having a tattoo. Obviously it varies from person to person and depends on where your having it and if its an outline or being colored in. I can only comment on my own personal experience of having my writs tattooed. I found them to be painful but bearable , the hardest part for me was letting him start it , kept talking myself out of it. Once he started though I thought there is no way I'm not having it finished so I got through it. I found the closer the tattoo got to my wrists the more painful it became , I calmed myself by swearing a lot and I felt sorry for the guy as I called him a few names. Whereas my friend was sat on facebook on here phone and didn't even flinch once when she has the side of her hand tattooed so it does vary between people.
I do sometimes wonder if I will end up regretting having my tattoo's when I'm older and will I want to have them removed, but then I think no I'm really glad I had them done because I would regret not having them done more than I would ever regret having them. They're part of me now , and I love them!

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